学生/家长手册 & 政策


艾尔曼高中 is a Catholic 教育 community which strives to teach as Jesus taught. By our actions, values, and modeling, we exemplify a caring atmosphere in a faith-lived community.

艾尔曼高中, being mindful of the uniqueness of individuals and appreciative of the differences among us, provides the 学术 atmosphere and promotes 教育 experiences needed for each student to meet his/her potential.

艾尔曼高中, 努力为宗教提供基础, 道德, 知识, 情感, 以及每个人的社会发展. Alleman高中立志成为天主教社区和整个社会变革和成长的催化剂.

艾尔曼高中 develops a faith-lived community by 福音价值观的典范 through Catholic education.

To develop a faith- lived community through excellence in Catholic education, 福音价值观的典范.

To enable students and faculty to develop a respect for the uniqueness of each person.

To develop in the students foundational knowledge and higher-order thinking skills.

To develop awareness and acceptance of social and civic responsibilities.



To develop Catholic relations based on mutual respect, trust and caring.

To develop a sensitivity to, and a tolerance of ethnic, social and 学术 back-grounds.

To develop positive attitudes toward 知识 activities and 知识 curiosity for further learning.

天主教学校的目的声明从学生踏入天主教学校的那一刻起, 他或她应该有进入一个新环境的印象, one illumined by the light of faith and having its own unique characteristics, 一个充满爱与自由的福音精神的环境.... ”

《欧博体育app》,第25期 皮奥里亚教区的天主教学校是为了协助主教和牧者向教区的年轻人传递信仰而设立的. 欧博体育app欢迎非天主教学生进入欧博体育app的学校,他们希望利用天主教教育提供的机会. 每所学校都必须以帮助每个学生与欧博体育app的主耶稣基督建立个人和教会的关系为主要目标, 谁是“道”, 真相, 和生命”(约翰福音14:6)。. 的原则, 实践, and beliefs of the Catholic Faith must be fully integrated throughout the school’s curricula, 服务项目, 课余活动, 和文化.

Students in our Catholic schools are reminded of their dignity as children of God through the study of Catholic doctrine, 经常有个人和集体祈祷的机会, 积极参与教会的圣事生活. 和父母一起, 他们是孩子的主要教育者, 欧博体育app的天主教学校通过帮助学生发展他们的智力来追求学术和精神上的卓越, 培养有益的友谊, 实践门徒, 加强他们每日的祷告生活, 在美德中成长, 通过服务他人成为领导者.

所有在天主教学校工作的人员,必须以促进教会的教育使命为心, and live as visible role models of faith within the parish/school community. Catholic doctrinal, 道德 and social teaching is an integral part of each school. 因此, 所有教师, 工作人员, 行政, 和志愿人员必须支持教会的教导, 在日常生活中积极实践信仰, 忠于教会的训导. 欧博体育app的天主教学校人员与家长和当地教会社区分享这一教育使命及其各种承诺和责任.

“至关重要的是,天主教学校的政策和程序反映了这一主要目的,学校的天主教性及其对天主教教会(训导)教学权威的忠诚不受损害。. ”

- Mary Angela Shaughnessy修女,SCN, J.D., Ph.D.


  • 学校总办公室/考勤(平日)7:15 - 3:30

  • 其他办公室(星期日)8:00 - 3:15

行为和SAT考试的代码    143720


ALLEMAN HIGH SCHOOL admits Rock Island Catholic Vicariate students of all socio-economic family backgrounds. 这所学校招收任何种族的学生, color, 性, 所有权利的国籍或血统, 特权, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. 它没有种族歧视, color, 性, 国家的起源 or ancestry in administration of its 教育 policies, 奖学金和贷款项目, 体育和其他学校管理的项目. (D-111.0.1; Policy Alleman Board of Trustees)

可能出现的情况下,欧博体育app高中决定改变这些指导方针和程序的需要. 出于这个原因, Alleman高中保留权利, 在任何时候, 修改, 终止, rescind or supplement any or all of the guidelines or procedures contained herein, 并采取可能违反指导方针的行动, 好处, 或本手册中规定的程序.

应尽一切合理的努力雇用生活和分享天主教信仰并相信学校哲学的教师. 其他信仰的教师可以被雇用,如果他们支持罗马天主教会的教义,并相信学校的哲学. 天主教学校不得有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 性, 或者是身体残疾的人. (教区政策C-111)

本教区天主教中小学专任教师及兼职教师,除专教神学的高中教师外,均应具有大学学历, 伊利诺斯州教师证书. This certificate shall be identified as valid and active as defined by the Illinois State Board of Education. 与伊利诺斯州有互惠计划的其他州的认证应被视为符合本政策的要求. 教授两门或两门以上神学教育课程的高中教职员工必须至少有18个学分或同等的天主教神学和/或宗教教育学分. Exceptions to these requirements may only be made by the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. (教区政策C-113).

艾尔曼高中 does not disclose a student’s discipline history on the college application.

Registration at 艾尔曼高中 constitutes a voluntary contract recognized by the law between 父母 and the school. Parents and students assume responsibility for all obligations — religious, 学术, 还有财政上的,这是由这份合同带来的.

艾尔曼高中 was established to serve the 教育 needs of Rock Island Vicariate students and, 空间允许, 其他天主教徒和非天主教徒学生按此顺序排列(D-111).0.2 / P-AHS). Most students enter 艾尔曼高中 at the start of their ninth grade year. 一些学生可能会转学,还有一些学生可能会寻求重新入学. 下面列出了每种情况的指导方针.

如果需求超过可用空间, preference in admission will be given to four categories of students: 1) families with students already enrolled at Alleman; 2) Catholic families whose students are enrolled in Catholic elementary/junior high schools; 3) eligible transfers from other Catholic high schools who are moving into the Rock Island Vicariate; 4) other parish affiliated families.

如果校长和管理人员认为这样做符合学生或Alleman高中的最佳利益,他们保留在任何时候拒绝录取或重新录取任何学生的权利. 被另一所高中开除或要求离开的学生将不被考虑在同一学年进入Alleman高中. 被初中开除的学生, 但是,想要成为一名成绩优秀的大一新生,首先必须成功完成八年级的学业,并在高中一年级期间避免重大违纪行为. 在所有入学或转学的情况下, Alleman高中将要求提供学生的学校记录副本. It is the responsibility of the 父母 to inform 艾尔曼高中 about any special circumstances (medical, 教育, 心理, 等.),适用于学生.

指导,辅导 & 职业服务
健康 & 安全信息
IHSA章程 & 政策
Alleman 2020-2021学年日历

家长志愿者项目是一个机会,通过加强对教职员工的支持,让所有欧博体育app家长积极参与到孩子的生活中来, which relieves them of many time-consuming tasks and allows more planning and preparation time; 2) providing resources of time, 人才, and treasure which add to the quality of education for the students of 艾尔曼高中; and 3) further developing the ”sense of community” among the students, 父母, 学校内部的教员和管理人员.

和父母一起, Alleman高中的工作人员努力保持健康, 安全, 以及学校所有学生和员工的福祉. 在任何给定时间, a parent may possess information which could have an impact on the health, 安全, 或是学校里某个人的幸福. A phone call to the 父母 of the person involved may be the best response. 如果这种反应是不合适的, concerned 父母 are encouraged to call the principal or assistant principal. 电话可能包含学校已经知道的信息,也可能是新的信息,需要欧博体育app迅速调查. 学校工作人员了解学生和他们的行为, 但当然不要假装什么都知道. 无论如何,欧博体育app希望您能与欧博体育app联系. All such calls are private and will be handled with professional discretion. Information regarding the topic reported will be released only on a need to know basis. Examples of several things that could prompt 父母 to give us a call are:

  • Your student is worried about a friend who is threatening harm to self or others.

  • You have overheard something about a party at a hotel or at a home while 父母 are out of town.

  • 只要提到武器.

  • You know that a student is in a potentially harmful situation outside of school. 

  • Anything else which leaves you with a lingering concern about the well-being of one or more students.

家长的合作对学生的福祉至关重要. If, 在行政部门看来, parent behavior seriously interferes with the teaching/ learning process, the school may require 父母 to withdraw their children and sever the relationship with the school.

艾尔曼高中 is a partner with 父母 in their children’s education. We notify 父母 of concerns about student life or behavior, even when off campus.


  1. 完成学校分班考试. (在某些情况下, a comparable standardized test of recent date may be supplied by a student’s 父母.)

  2. 老师的建议.

  3. 完成强制性健康记录. (见“免疫”)

  4. 来自伊利诺伊州四城天主教学校系统以外的学生必须在注册前与欧博体育app管理员或辅导员会面.

  5. 曾经被学校开除的学生, 被要求离开学校, 或为避免被开除而离开学校的学生,未经学校监督的书面许可不得进入欧博体育app.


  1. 转学到欧博体育app高中的考生必须在注册前与欧博体育app管理人员或辅导员会面.

  2. The student must be able to transfer enough credits to satisfy 艾尔曼高中 graduation requirements.

  3. 转帐必须由校长或助理校长批准.

  4. 经批准的转学通常在学期结束时进行. (校长可准许例外.)

  5. 转学生必须保持可接受的学术标准.

  6. All transfer students will be on at least a one semester probationary period.

  7. 转学生必须保持可接受的出勤记录.

  8. In special cases a transfer student and his/her 父母 may be required to sign a student performance contract.

  9. All transfer students must pass the drug screening test as a condition of 出席.

A student who has left 艾尔曼高中 and wishes to return must apply for readmission. 只有在校长批准的情况下才允许重新入学,大多数情况下只会在学期开始时发生. 学生的学业, 出席, and disciplinary records will be carefully examined to determine whether or not he/she will be readmitted. 之前被欧博体育app排除在外的学生, 的负责人, 牧师委员会的主席, 校长也参与决策.